3 Mar 2011

Date Nerves

So this date is happening tomorrow night. He is booking the restaurant (we got it down to 2 choices eventually) so will be getting the time and where to meet later on tonight when he gets in from work.

Don't know how he is feeling but I'm nervous as hell. He is a very good looking guy from his pictures eHarmony and facebook and me.....well just blurgh! Typical questions are going threw my head, "what if he doesn't like me?" "See's me and runs", "Try not to say something stupid you silly cow becuase you know you will." 

Never found a good way to deal with first dates, pretty much all of mine are my worst fears coming to life right in front of me (and for good reasons very few get a date 2.) And tomorrow is going to be busy enough, got a hair appointment and then another appointment with a big computing company only a few hours before the date and that's not helping as I might turn up looking a bit frazzled after running round London all day getting to appointments.

And now I am blog blabbling. That's not a good sign. How do you deal with getting ready, and dealing with the nerves before a first date?

Secret Virgin

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